Invisible <voi### [at] devnull> wrote:
> http://blog.orphi.me.uk/archives/268
> How many of these words can *you* figure out, without looking them up?
Hey, you have learned to use your blog... :P
"Barista" is rather easy to guess, especially if you know Spanish
(like I do).
I find it a bit strange that you don't know what altruism is.
A misantropic hates people.
The oedipus complex is basic psychology.
It's defenestration, not defenstration.
Double entendre is quite common speech, IMO.
If you don't know what MILF is, you haven't been reading the proper
webcomics... ;)
What's unclear about "codependent"?
If you know Spanish, "burro" should be easy.
I know "heinous" and "lascivious".
It's really strange you don't know what "platonic" or "effeminate"
mean, IMO.
A misogynist hates women. I suppose misogynists can be divided (at
least) into two categories: Men who think women are inferior and only
little superior to slaves, and men who simply find the average mentality
and personality of women irritating.
> Am I just supremely illiterate, or are these words actually rare?
Should I be surprised that you don't know such common words? ;)
- Warp
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