>> If you discover a new fancy way of using gonads or whatever, why should
>> we care? ;)
> One might retort that it allows me to build a full expression parser in
> less than a dozen LoC,
Well I'm equally sure that or whatever it was will allow some
people to do some new stuff. Otherwise it wouldn't be an update.
Just because most people don't know the details about gonads work with rear
end recursion, and you (and I) don't know the details about the linux update, it doesn't mean it's not useful at all.
> but yeah, realistically, who cares about that? I should just go kill
> myself now...
What, just because you are doing something that not many others are
interested in? I'm not interested in the details of what you are doing with
Haskell, but once I understood what your logic program was doing (or rather,
what it is easily capable of doing) I was quite impressed.
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