POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : One thing which puzzles me about unix/linux : Re: One thing which puzzles me about unix/linux Server Time
3 Nov 2024 01:06:45 EDT (-0400)
  Re: One thing which puzzles me about unix/linux  
From: Warp
Date: 7 Apr 2008 18:01:59
Message: <47fa99d7@news.povray.org>
Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
> Tom Austin wrote:
> > I would check to see if there is a 'file' for the specific process that 
> > reports the current memory usage.

> The problem with that approach is you're just polling. There's no good 
> way to find the max memory usage if you only use that much for 1/100th 
> of a second.

  This is a real bummer. I would have wanted accurate memory usage
statistics for the small project I have been making, but it seems to
be impossible.

  If anyone happens to be interested, it's this:

  From all the tests I have made regarding the memory usage I'm pretty
confident that with the list-of-ints example my allocator uses half the
memory as the default allocator of libc, but I can't tell for sure
because of all these unknowns, as well as some erratic behavior I noticed
during my tests. Thus I couldn't add this statistic to the page,

  It's interesting, though. Sometimes C++ *can* actually be slower than
some other languages, and the reason may be in the memory allocator used
by the compiler (or, more specifically, by the standard C libraries).
It's not really so much a fault of C++ per se, but more a fault of the
system library tasked on the memory management.
  Using a more efficient memory allocator can cause amazing speedups, as
I wrote on that page.

                                                          - Warp

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