Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
> http://blog.slickedit.com/?p=224
I somewhat disagree with this view. Sure, there are *some* people who
are envious of "noobs" getting the job "done" with their fancy high-level
languages without really understanding what's going on under the hood.
However, I don't think that's the most usual reason for the negative
I believe that the most usual reason for the negative attitude is
that the "noobs" are getting the job "done" faster, but at the cost
of software quality. The software made by a newbie usually lacks
robustness and efficiency. However, because bosses usually cannot
see past the GUI, they are fooled into thinking that the newbie is
actually a better programmer than the experienced one because he got
something visible done faster. Then they hire the newbie and kick out
the experienced programmer.
And the result can be seen, for example, at thedailywtf.com.
- Warp
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