POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : A simple question : Re: A simple question Server Time
5 Nov 2024 01:22:41 EST (-0500)
  Re: A simple question  
From: scott
Date: 2 Apr 2008 06:12:56
Message: <47f36a38$1@news.povray.org>
> As I understand it, moving electrons round a wire is like moving water 
> round a pipe. You need a *force* to push it. However, you confidently 
> claim that you can make electricity move with no force at all.

Capacitors and inductors can STORE ENERGY!

> If somebody claimed that they could push water round a network of pipes 
> just by writing an equation, they'd be laughed at.

What if I connected a vertical pipe several metres high to your pipe network 
in the middle somewhere?  As you applied some external force through your 
system, I opened up a valve for a second to let water flow into my vertical 
pipe, then closed it.  You would notice a slight increase in force needed. 
Then, once you switched off your external force later, I open my valve and 
let my water flow back into the system and it would force more water out the 
other end.

Would you be puzzled that after you switched off your force water kept 
coming out for a bit longer?

That is exactly what capacitors and inductors are doing in an electrical 
circuit, they store up energy during parts of the AC cycle, and let it out 
at others.

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