POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : A simple question : Re: A simple question Server Time
5 Nov 2024 01:21:00 EST (-0500)
  Re: A simple question  
From: Invisible
Date: 2 Apr 2008 05:51:13
Message: <47f36521@news.povray.org>
Stephen wrote:

> You are simplifying it to the extreme and using rigorous logic and
> that does not work.
> Or are you just having fun winding us up? :)

Well, let me put it this way.

As I understand it, moving electrons round a wire is like moving water 
round a pipe. You need a *force* to push it. However, you confidently 
claim that you can make electricity move with no force at all. If 
somebody claimed that they could push water round a network of pipes 
just by writing an equation, they'd be laughed at. And yet you claim the 
exact same thing is possible with electricity.

Personally, I don't believe it. I believe that electrons won't go 
anywhere unless you *drive* them there. And that the amount they move 
must be directly proportional to the amount of force driving them and 
inverstly proportional to the force resisting them. But you 
[collectively] claim that actually the amount of movement is unrelated 
to the force applied or the resistance to be overcome. If that really is 
true then as far as I can see, all of electronics is pure black magic 
and every electronic circuit I've ever built shouldn't have worked...


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