POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : A simple question : Re: A simple question Server Time
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  Re: A simple question  
From: Eero Ahonen
Date: 31 Mar 2008 15:56:10
Message: <47f14fea$1@news.povray.org>
Jim Henderson wrote:
> My kid just picked up a used D610 and he seemed happy with the speakers 
> so far.

My earlier work-laptop was D610 (now I have a D620, surprisingly) and I 
mostly couldn't stand theier speakers. To be truthful, the "soundcard" 
(Intel HD-Audio oslt) those Dell's have ain't actually helping in the 

Same goes for my own HP (nc6320). The soundcard's problems can be heard 
while listening with headphones. The Dells and the HP tend to have 
twisted frequency response assigned with el-cheapo final amplifier with 
ability to overrun the mixer *and* pre-amplifier easily. It's just hidious.

Basically it's impossible to have a decent sound out of very small 
speakers, which just *can't* be designed and configured for each 
using-environment independently. But if either HP or Dell D6xx are on 
the top of what's possible, I'm surprised - it shouldn't be *that* 

And yes, I'm a kind of hifist, so 'bout every sound-quality rant I write 
has the over-shooting part of it. But still... *brr*

Don't hook him up with eg. Sennheisers high-quality headphones :). It 
might lead to an expensive path :P.

> Jim

Eero "Aero" Ahonen
       aer### [at] removethiszbxtnetinvalid

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