>> http://www.gaffer.org/game-physics/integration-basics
> Mmm, that's a nice article. I'm still having trouble following it though.
> Perhaps a Haskell example?
> integrate t dt a (v,p) = (v + dt*(a t v p), p + dt*v)
> OK, well that seems trivial enough. So how about RK4?
> evaluate (v,p) t dt (dv,dp) =
> let
> v' = v + dt*dv
> p' = p + dt*dp
> in (v', a (t+dt) v' p')
> integrate t dt a (v,p) =
> let
> a = evaluate (v,p) t dt -- er... where's the rest?
The only difference is that in the evaluate function without the supplied
derivative, you don't need to update the state, simply return the derivative
at time t using the initial state.
> b = evaluate (v,p) t (dt/2) a
> c = evaluate (v,p) t (dt/2) b
> d = evaluate (v,p) t dt c
> dv = (fst a + 2 * (fst b + fst c) + fst d) / 6
> dp = (snd a + 2 * (snd b + snd c) + snd d) / 6
> in (v + dt*dv, p + dt*dp)
> Er... is that actually correct? And what's with the formula for A? I'm not
> really understanding how this is supposed to work...
What it's doing is this:
1) Work out the derivative at time t. This is simply a matter of
calculating the new acceleration at time t (as the derivative of velocity)
based on the current state, and returning the current velocity (as the
derivative of position).
2) Using the derivative you just calculated, a, calculate a new state at
time t+dt/2 using normal Euler integration. Return the derivative of the
new state.
3) Same as step 2, but use b instead of a, and store the result as
derivative c.
4) Same as 2, but this time use the derivative c to do the whole step dt
from the first point.
5) Take a weighted average of all the derivatives you just caluclated, a-d,
this gives the most accurate derivative.
6) Use this weighted average to actually advance your state by dt using
normal Euler integration.
If you want to actually understand the maths behind it, well that's another
story (and another Google search, or two :-).
> I intended (but never got round to) implementing a system where the
> computer integrates a time step, then integrates it again with twice the
> resolution, and if the results differ too much, it subdivides further...
A good idea, it's called "adaptive time step".
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