Doctor John wrote:
> right now M$ is offering vin de
> pays at champagne prices (plus FUD tax) and the man in the street is
> buying because he's been told (by M$) that the vintage wine that my lot
> is selling is worthless because you need to be a master sommelier just
> to drink it and it can't be that good anyway since it doesn't cost as
> much as theirs.
Agreed. Annoying, isn't it?
> Finally, back to the majority point - I run and recommend Linux because
> 80% of the world's supercomputers run on it. The other 20% sure as hell
> don't use M$.
How many people use a supercomputer to read their email? ;-)
[Depending on your definition of "supercomputer". Compared to the
Commodore 64 that I started out with, the dual-core multi-GHz thing I
have at home probably *seems* like a damn supercomputer!]
The best software for running a supercomputer is *not* necessarily the
best software for running a desktop. I'm not saying Linux isn't good,
I'm saying this particular snippet of logic is flawed.
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