POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Microsoft actually damaged the ISO committee : Re: Microsoft actually damaged the ISO committee Server Time
5 Nov 2024 07:16:34 EST (-0500)
  Re: Microsoft actually damaged the ISO committee  
From: scott
Date: 22 Oct 2007 06:08:17
Message: <471c7691$1@news.povray.org>
>  Because of Microsoft's lobbying, a lot of member countries which had
> previously only an observer status raised themselves to principal status
> for the exclusive purpose of being able to vote on the ooxml standard
> proposal


>  Microsoft has succeeded in putting the ISO standardization committee
> in a crisis.

Seems more like poor organisation from the ISO committee to allow such a 
thing to happen, not MS's fault...

The problem is that it's the only standard that MS is interested in.  Take 
car manufacturers for instance, they always get all their suppliers (and 
their sub-suppliers) to help get standards through in this manner.  The 
difference is there are tens or hundreds of standards that are important 
(and new ones come up all the time), not just one, so this problem doesn't 

Seems like ISO needs to rethink their policy on letting any company become 
"principal" immediately and then "dissappear".  Surely they should have 
realised something like this was possible, and would happen one day?

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