POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : _The History of Science_ comments : Re: Voting system - steve, colin, any plans? Server Time
8 May 2024 17:28:35 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Voting system - steve, colin, any plans?  
From: St 
Date: 10 Sep 2007 03:05:09
Message: <46e4eca5@news.povray.org>
"Markus Altendorff" <maa### [at] anthrosphinxde> wrote in message 
> St. wrote:

>>     If you can decipher that Markus, (and I'm sure you can), then you 
>> will know where *I'm* coming from.
> Ah!
> Uh.
> (scratch scratch)
> ... no? :)

     Then my code worked.  :)

> You lost me somewhere in there - i've a "useful" grip on the english 
> language when it comes to user's manuals and reading web pages, but i'm 
> afraid i may lack the understanding of the finer things of origami. i.e. i 
> just know there's some message in your paragraphs above that keeps on 
> escaping me. :)

     Well, it's easy really. What do you do with origami? Bend it, fold it, 
twist it, bend it, fold it, twist it. Put this in context with the words 
'arms' and 'legs', and it becomes clearer. The reference to "said origami 
figure" is a kind of euphemism for the word 'Colin'.  ;)

   Seriously, here lies the problem. I say "do A" and he does "B". But, you 
have to understand where he's coming from too. I've explained what the 
community is like here, I've explained how 'passionate' we all are about 
this, I've explained how long we've all been doing this, and I've explained 
how hard we all work at our hobby. I've explained that some projects can 
result in 1+GB folders (my folder for the image "Dumped" 
http://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2006-08-31/dumped.jpg is 1.51GB!) 
indicating *how* hard we work at it. But, he just doesn't understand it at 

   I saw him last week and asked if we could have the voting period extended 
to after all the images and animations are in and he says "Why?" "It's all 
there for them, why don't they just vote?", and I say "Well, these guys are 
from all around the world, different time zones and such", and he says, 
"Well, why don't they just make *sure* that they vote on time?" And I say, 
"yes, but this is a hobby, people have to work and then do their hobby in 
their spare time, so sometimes they're hard-pushed to get to the deadline on 
time, and anyway, if a guy has worked his/her butt off and uploads at the 
last minute, then surely that isn't fair to that person who will get a low 
vote for possibly the best image/animation." So then he says, "Well, why 
don't you announce all the topics for the whole year, that way they know the 
topics in advance and can work on their images/animations with plenty of 
time to spare, so everyone should get fair votes."

   Me: "But that won't work."

   Him: "Why?"

   Me: "Because it leaves room for cheating."

   Him: "Cheating?? Who are we dealing with here?"

    See? See what I'm up against? The upshot of all this is that I'd ask you 
guys if  announcing the topic a week earlier would be ok, thereby 
effectively giving us all a weeks grace to finish our images/animations and 
then (in theory) have time available to vote and comment in that last week. 
So, I'll leave that for you all to comment on.

   Meanwhile, there are other issues too. Friday afternoon, I received the 
FTP PW and UN, but, it's absolutely useless. Everything is tied into the 
database with coding, stuff like; $CURRENT and $BODY, and I'm no coder, so I 
can't physically 'do' anything myself, well, not in a normal HTML way, that 
is. I tried it. If I change *one* letter on that home page, it kills the 
"view the winning image" links, and the two thumb links, but *not* the other 
links underneath, oh no, they're fine. It's just plain weird. So I've got to 
get that sorted out, (if I can).

    Anyway, today, I'm sending the email that I received yesterday to Colin 
because 1) it explains everything in a way that's so much better than I've 
explained it already, but also confirms what I've explained, and 2) it's not 
coming from me. Fingers crossed.

> Hey, and no need to feel bad just because it wasn't perfect on the first 
> try!

   But I do feel bad Markus. At the moment, I'm a very emotional guy, (I've 
always been emotional, but the things that are happening around me right now 
have boosted that by 100%). It's like I'm losing every battle with 
everything I do, and I'm being dragged backwards, not making strives 
forwards. It's a weird feeling, because outwardly, I'm a strong guy that can 
take it on the chin, but inside, it's just not good. I feel like a 
hard-boiled egg waiting to be peeled.

You managed to make a "living" webpage
> available, and that's more than can be said for the IRTC right now!
> We all live and learn :)

   Well, "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings!"  :)


> -M

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