POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : traffic wardens (Grrr!) : Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 15:53:20 EST (-0500)
  Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!)  
From: St 
Date: 3 Sep 2007 15:57:59
Message: <46dc6747$1@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message 

> Ahh. Okay, I see what you mean on the 'pettiness' point, that you are not 
> really doing harm, and the marking is a guideline.  You might even get a 
> break there.

    I doubt it Jim. You don't know our local (money-strapped, bollox) 
councils. But, I'll try to see if I can get off it. Let's see what 
happens... Two images and a printed letter is heading their way tomorrow...

 > I mean if expanding the zone is common practice.

    No, it's not at all common practice, (not around here anyway, maybe 
London or other cities). Once painted, it's there until you start dying of 
old age. There have been cases where if double yellow lines (bad, don't park 
there), have frayed at the edges or the ends of the lines, then any penalty 
notices won't be entertained by the courts if said person takes a picture 
veryfying this.

> the other hand maybe the owner of the driveway complained.

  No, no, I work there (some days, to meet customers). I get on well with 
the landlord. Even if he complained, (and doesn't know my car by now), the 
council wouldn't act on his say-so unless there really was a blockage of his 
driveway, they would come and ask me a few questions first I think...

 My brother
> lives in a very toney, leafy, old money section of Toronto with quiet, 
> wide streets. When I went to visit him once it became apparent that 
> parking was the undeclared war in the neighbourhood.  Before even saying 
> hello to me my sister-in-law asks me where I parked!

  Damn, that's bad...

In NY there is an
> actual measurement, 15 inches 2 feet? something like that, that applies to 
> driveways.  I know one fellow who actually took a picture of a situation 
> when he got ticketed but the parking bureau just told him that he could of 
> moved the car before taking the pic!  Obviously not, they were packed in 
> like sardines, if he could have he would have in the first place.

     Yeah, as numbers, we're just meant to take everything everyone throws 

go to jail in the end if you don't, and your life will be messed up 

    wtf.  Bringiton.

> I'm having problems on the 'two car' idea though.  I mean what is the 
> alternative?  Somehow try and mark the space for one 'full size' car and 
> limit it to that?

   The bay directly opposite is a 'one car' bay, but you could fit two 
'smart' cars in there, I reckon, but definately not two 'normal' cars.

 Then what do you do if you have something bigger? At
> least they are giving as much space as they can.  Seems to me they are 
> just saying here are the limits, use it however, just don't violate the 
> lines.

   And I've never seen this example written in stone yet. AFAIK, the local 
laws haven't been published to say that you can't park with your wheels 
outside of the line...

     It might be published somewhere, but it hasn't been put through my 

There are parking *meters* in NY here, usually at the back of a
> block, that are setup such that there is no way the space will accommodate 
> a full size model car.  And beware the driver who parks with his rear 
> bumper a fraction into the pedestrian crosswalk.  But hey, the city needs 
> the money, and everyone wants parking, and so if you have a small enough 
> car?  I mean think of it this way, maybe the sanctimonious little sh*t in 
> his little car, who gets the little space, would otherwise be taking the 
> full size space you need.  Lame, but the best I can do for you.

     Thanks Jim, I know you mean to help. Yes, if a smaller car took two 
spaces in a two car bay, then shouldn't it also get a ticket?

> What I hate?  Here the cops are all over yellow cabs for blocking traffic. 
> Meanwhile cab drivers suffer from kidney stones, driving 11 hours a shift 
> with no where to piss.  There are taxi relief stands, quite a lot of them 
> actually, but you would never know it.  Everyone just parks in them as if 
> they are free parking, and the signs are never enforced by these traffic 
> bums.

     Damn, Jim, that's bad. I thought I had hassles...  It's hard work to 
take a wizz? Man, I'd wizz in the back and blame the fares... (?)


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