POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : traffic wardens (Grrr!) : Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 15:56:42 EST (-0500)
  Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!)  
From: St 
Date: 3 Sep 2007 07:31:37
Message: <46dbf099@news.povray.org>
"scott" <sco### [at] laptopcom> wrote in message 
>>      I have no idea why it's illegal. All I know is that since the police
>> don't control parking regs any more, there's been a drive to get as many
>> people booked with an offence as much as possible.
> I would check that an offence has actually been committed though.  Without
> any other lines or signs, the white parking lines do not mean anything
> legally.  Ask them to tell you exactly which law you were breaking, AFAIK
> there is no law that says "you must not park outside marked parking 
> spaces".
> Usually where I've seen marked spaces, the rest of the road has double
> reds/yellows or at least a sign that says similar.

      Yes, I'm going to ask them this because really, at the end of the day, 
there is no offence. See the attached. Why are those two cars allowed to 
park across the road like that? That blue car can't have received any 
tickets because it's been parking there everyday for the last two years. The 
car in the other image where I was parked also got a ticket, (you can just 
see it on the windscreen) and at first glance I would say that it's her 
fault that she didn't move a bit further on, but then I don't know what the 
circumstances were when she first parked there - there may well have been a 
bigger vehicle in front of her instead of the car now.

    The official signs that are there are only 2 hour waiting signs, there's 
nothing that says you must park within the lines.


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