POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : traffic wardens (Grrr!) : Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:23:59 EST (-0500)
  Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!)  
From: scott
Date: 3 Sep 2007 03:22:43
Message: <46dbb643@news.povray.org>
>   Oh, I know I'll lose, I'm prepared to pay. As for parking there if there 
> was a bigger vehicle parked there, and say, there was only half a space, I 
> just wouldn't park there, knowing full well that I'd probably get a ticket 
> with half a car stuck out the back end. But, what's that distance in the 
> picture? A foot? 18 inches? It's just petty, that's all. My main point is 
> if it's going to be a two car bay, then make sure that it's big enough for 
> two cars in the first place, otherwise, what's the point?

Both cars in the photo look pretty large cars.  Two smaller cars (or even 
one big and one small) would fit easily in there.

BTW, why is it illegal there to park outside the marked bays?  There doesn't 
seem to be any yellow lines, or does it say on the sign "parking only in 
marked bays"?  Around where I used to live people always parked how you did 
and nobody got a ticket.

If it was me, I would write in the letter for a clarification of exactly 
what the white line means.  Does your entire tyre foot-print have to be 
inside the inner border of the line, or is it allowed to be on the line.  Or 
does it mean your entire car must be inside the line, overhangs and all, and 
which side of the line counts... etc.  If they don't have a detailed policy 
on this then how can they prosecute people in a fair way, it's probably 
against some European human rights thingy that they have to treat everyone 
fairly.. blah blah blah.

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