POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : traffic wardens (Grrr!) : Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:23:08 EST (-0500)
  Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!)  
From: St 
Date: 2 Sep 2007 17:17:41
Message: <46db2875$1@news.povray.org>
"Orchid XP v3" <voi### [at] devnull> wrote in message 
> Woah there... do *not* annoy Steve! o_O

    No, you've got that wrong, plenty of things, plenty of people can annoy 
me, but just do it fairly, that's all I ask. I'm a hands-up guy for 
something I've done wrong, no problem, but two rear wheels over a line?! I 
didn't even know it was against the law to do that (and I've done that 
particular parking in that same spot LOADS of times - no ticket). So a smart 
car would be ok, but a long car like mine (Rover 820) and the one in the 
image is not? Let's get real here, prejudice against long cars is not 

    Bar Stewards.

> My dad gets annoyed about his neighbors. They insist on parking a large 
> van exactly on the corner of the road where my dad's driveway is. This in 
> spite of the fact that their own drive is empty, and there are not one but 
> 2 empty laybys within 18 feet on the van.
> My dad tells me that when he wins the lottery, he's going to be a ****-of 
> Big Foot. And he's going to drive it down the road and accidentally 
> mutilate that van.

  No, not accidently, on purpose - and I don't blame him. I hope he's asked 
nicely in the past though before he crushes that van...

 Sure, he'll probably have to pay for a
> new van. But at least it'll be mutilated then.
> Hmm, come to think of it... don't upset my dad! ._.

    I now know where he's coming from. You should learn from him. I didn't 
have a real Dad to learn from. (Well, I did, but a late Victorian 
Grandfather that I called 'Dad'). My Grandad was my father in spirit. F*ck, 
I miss him though - really. He was a great guy, he taught me to be the way 
he was in a new world that he didn't know. I wish I knew him now at my age, 
but, he's gone.


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