POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Controlling Speed along a spline : Re: Controlling Speed along a spline Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:15:28 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Controlling Speed along a spline  
From: Tim Nikias
Date: 6 Oct 2004 18:02:25
Message: <41646b71$1@news.povray.org>
> Are you thinking of this:
> http://news.povray.org/ttoenucoq6fcgkun57la24s9ia4ij5o573%404ax.com
> (By ABX)
> - or this:
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/1434/spline/index.html
> (By Chris Colefax)
> ?

Now I'm sad. :-( I've scripted Bezier-splines from a Math-Book of mine which
I find very intuitive to use: you define control-nodes, which are ON the
spline, and Direction-Vectors for these Control-Nodes, to define the
direction WHERE the spline is moving after the node. I use 4D-Vectors to
make the directions use different lengths for when coming to and leaving
from a control-node.
Along with the Macros comes one which will take one of those BSplines,
calculate a given amount of nodes onto it, and then generates a sequence of
points from the initial bunch which are roughly the same distance of each
other (which takes movement along the spline into account, not distance
between two new points). The accuracy is in proportion to the amount of
nodes you let the macro generate before trying to find a given amount of
equal-distanced nodes.
These nodes can then just be used with a Macro that interpolates between
them. After I've scripted these macros, I've never used anything else. Not
just because *I* made them, but because I find them easy to visualize and

Well, enough of shameless plugging and throwing in bunches of 2 cents... ;-)


"Tim Nikias v2.0"
Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>

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