POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : human modeling : Re: human modeling Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:14:42 EDT (-0400)
  Re: human modeling  
From: Chris B
Date: 16 Sep 2004 05:56:06
Message: <41496336$1@news.povray.org>
"new'b" <none@com> wrote in message news:4148f4f0$1@news.povray.org...
> Hello,
> Anny one knows where to find tutorials about human dodeling using
> povray, google gaved no result.
> Thanks

As Manuel mentioned it's close to impossible ... but not totally impossible.

Option 1.
There is a human model called BlobMan which is done entirely using the
Scene Description Language. The body parts look reasonably good and
are all parametrised so that you can define the position and rotation of
(right down to individual fingers). There is even a free Java utility on the
called Petibonum to help you pose the Blobman figure.

Option 2.
Otherwise, if you're not committed to having absolutely everything done
completely in POVRay you could look at POV-Person which uses a mesh
using a modeller) for the skin of the head and POVRay for almost everything
else (google search = <povray povperson>).

For the most part (and particularly for faces) you would probably want to
a POV-Ray mesh generated using a modeller.
I used this technique for the POV-Person skin surface and teeth and built
rest of the head (eyes, hair, makeup, textures etc.) using POVRay. This
a range of different faces to be generated in POVRay from the same skin
I've also done some work in combining this with the BlobMan body, creating a
sort of adapter to perform a head transplant. I know it sounds messy, but I
think it turned out OK.

The POVRay source files and sample renderings for all that I've done are
published on my POVPerson website along with links to the BlobMan and
Petibonum downloads.

There are descriptions of how I've done stuff along with examples of the
parameters used to generate different hair styles, eye colours etc.
It's not exactly a tutorial, but I think it will give you an indication of
what is possible. One word of warning, human modelling is probably not the
place to start if you are new to 3D modelling and POVRay.

Here's the URL - http://www.telinco.co.uk/c_bartlett/povperson/index.htm

Hope this helps,


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