If I do this:
object { Reloj rotate y*115 translate <0, 0, 0> scale 0.5 }
object { Puntos }
object { Agulles }
object { Cilindre }
I thinks that is your idea, I can not see the other object on the correct
place. If I do this:
object { Reloj rotate y*115 scale 0.5 }
object { Puntos scale 0.5 }
object { Agulles scale 0.5 }
object { Cilindre scale 0.5 }
Some of the objects appear also moved.
I'm thinking....
mensaje news:41480a78$1@news.povray.org...
> Instead of placing everything in a union{} at the end and naming it
> Todo_Reloj, why not place the different objects by themselves and only
> what needs to be scaled? Something similiar to this:
> object { Reloj rotate y*115 translate <0, 0, 0> no_shadow scale 0.5}
> object { Puntos no_shadow}
> object { Agulles no_shadow}
> object { Cilindre no_shadow}
> That way, only Reloj will be scaled and the rest left untouched.
> Or, leave the #declare Todo_Reloj = union{---} around all the objects, but
> just scale the one needing to be scaled.
> Regards,
> Tim
> --
> "Tim Nikias v2.0"
> Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>
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