POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Re: Fire : Re: Fire Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:19:42 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Fire  
From: Tim Nikias
Date: 6 Sep 2004 04:21:40
Message: <413c1e14$1@news.povray.org>
Hi there!

> You put: " #declare Flame = density {"
> I'm traying to see the object and I put after your code " object {
Flame },
> but the program give mw and error.

The code is missing the closing bracket. When you use a { you have to put
a } at a position so that POV-Ray knows what belongs together. In this case,
the } is missing after the warp-comment, like this:

 #declare Flame = density {
   scale 0.5
   // warp { turbulence 0.5 }

Then, declaring something using #declare, sort of memorizes it instead of
placing it directly. So when you declare an object, you have to use the
object{...} to actually make use of the memorized object.
In this case, however, the memorized thing is not an object, but a density.
Media makes use of density, and you'd use it on an object like this:

pigment { rgbt <1,1,1,1>} finish { ambient 0.4  }
interior{media{emission 1 intervals 1 method 3 samples 5,10
density{Flame} }}

There are some other keywords however, which will affect the look and detail
of the media, the above is just a quick example. Look at the documentation
for "media", "interior" and "#declare" for further insight.


"Tim Nikias v2.0"
Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>

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