for starters, I'd personally remove that translate line in the Cuc
definition, just the same as I'd make the blob's sphere centred on the
origin rather than <0,5,0>.
As I'm not fluent in whatever language it is your comments are on (some
latin american form of spanish?), I could only get a vague idea of what you
want to make and I can't make sure what it is, but my guess is that the
rotation happening after a <190, -20, 0> translation is likely to get all
those blobs in rather weird places. Also, the translations before rotation
seem a bit arbitrary, and the rotation itself involves rotating <0, 0, 0>,
so no rotation happens at all! also, any particular reason for that
max_trace_level 32? I see no reflecting or translucent surfaces, nor
anything else that I know needs trace level adjustment.
hope I've been of help.
> #declare Cuc =
> blob {
> sphere {
> <0, 5, 0>, 2, 1
> pigment { Red } }
> scale 1
> translate <190, -20, 0> no_shadow
> }
> ===================================
> =========The macro===================
> #macro Make_Stuff (Stuff,How_Many)
> #local Ample=-12;
> #while (Ample<How_Many)
> object{Stuff rotate <0,0*Ample,0> translate<3*Ample,11*cos
> (Ample/8),0> }
> #local Ample=Ample+1;
> #end
> #end
> #declare layer = union {Make_Stuff (Cuc,-11)}
> global_settings { max_trace_level 29 }
> // Fi de Bicapa en una sola dimensio
> //Bicapa en les dos dimensions del pla de la membrana.
> #macro Make_Many (Stuff,How_Many)
> #local Fons=0;
> #while (Fons<How_Many)
> object{Stuff translate <0,5*sin (Fons/8),3*Fons>}
> #local Fons=Fons+1;
> #end
> #end
> // Incrementar el nombre de bicapes unidimensionals per a fer una membrana
> mes fonda. 50 molecules de lipid de fons funciona be, 72 amb el
> union {Make_Many (layer,10)}
> global_settings { max_trace_level 32 }
> ================================
> Thanks,
> Oleguer
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