POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Howto create a light fading completely dark at distance? Scene attached : Re: Howto create a light fading completely dark at distance? Scene attached Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:13:49 EST (-0500)
  Re: Howto create a light fading completely dark at distance? Scene attached  
From: Hughes, B 
Date: 30 Aug 2004 14:21:17
Message: <4133701d$1@news.povray.org>
"Warp" <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote in message 
> Hughes, B. <bob### [at] charternet> wrote:
>> A fog with color rgb 0, or media, and attenuation might be what you need 
>> to
>> use. Without either of those there wouldn't be any kind of atmosphere to
>> obscure things at distance.
>  No, that's not the correct solution to the problem. He wants the light
> emitted by light sources to fade to completely black, not the rays emitted
> by the camera, which is a completely different thing.
>  The correct explanation and solution were already given: The default
> global ambient light level is (iirc) 0.3, and setting it to 0 does what
> he wants.

Okay, but it did seem like they wanted a falloff that reached zero within a 
finite distance for light-facing surfaces. I didn't think any value of 
fade_power. Unless maybe using zero fade_distance, negatives, or something?

Default finish ambient is 0.1, last I checked, just so that doesn't get 
confused. I know it can seem like it's higher, making everything unblack 
even if in complete shadow. And ambient_light defaults to 1, the multiplier 
for all ambient finishes.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, of course. ;-)

Bob H.

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