POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Heightfield pattern : Re: Heightfield pattern Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:27:35 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Heightfield pattern  
From: Hughes, B 
Date: 2 Aug 2004 00:46:32
Message: <410dc728$1@news.povray.org>
"Ramanan.M.G" <bak### [at] vsnlcom> wrote in message
>     I am using HF to depict window curtains. How can I apply, image
> with tiling.

Hiya. Image maps are -90 degrees around the x axis compared to the HF
surface, so when you apply:

pigment {
    image_map {
        jpeg "tile.jpg"
    rotate +90*x

this will turn it down onto the surface.

The image will tile if the HF size is larger than 1 unit, since both are
initially 1 unit in size. That said, be sure to put a scale <2,1,2> (or
whatever dimensions) before the pigment or texture or material being used,
not afterward. Or... you may scale the pigment smaller... either way you

Note: This will not map onto the actual surface undulations, and only as
though projected onto the HF from above by a HF-sized column of light,
meaning it will stretch downward into the sloped parts. To avoid that you
would need to use uv mapping in another type of object, e.g. a mesh, since
HF's can't be uv mapped.

If there's another way, I'm not able to provide it.

Bob H.

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