"Martin" <1@1.1> wrote in message news:40e0dd80$1@news.povray.org...
> Hi, im trying work out to make good irregular surfaces on objects (that
> will show on both the object and the objects shadow). From the searching
> that i have done so far is that it seems that an isosurface might do
> what i am after. Basically i want to create a rough surface like you
> would find on the road.
> I have read a little on isosurfaces but im am unsure how to apply it to
> an object.
Well, the object needs to be the isosurface itself. Maybe a CSG
(intersection or difference) of the two, anyway.
Okay, I could be giving an incorrect or partial answer here but I think I'm
right enough to say that there are no surface deformations you can apply to
a predeclared object; unless you are working with something like mesh or
mesh2, or an isosurface to begin with, in which you could rearrange the
original surface.
Lets take your road idea:
#include "functions.inc"
isosurface {
function {
y // origin surface
+ // add the following function to it
f_noise3d(x*5,y,z*5) // scale inversely by multiplying x,y and/or z
0.25 // effects amount of noise
contained_by {
box { <-10,-1,-10>,<10,0,1000> } // maximum, or desired, dimensions
max_gradient 2
pigment { color rgb 0.5 }
finish { specular 0.1 roughness 0.1 }
camera { location <0,10,-1> look_at <0,5,10> }
light_source { <-100,100,-100>, color rgb <1,1,1> }
/* for round objects (rocks) you'd want to use x*x+y*y+z*z instead of y for
the origin surface, as well as a sphere {0,1} instead of a box */
Bob H.
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