POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : hemisphere : Re: hemisphere Server Time
2 Nov 2024 09:19:59 EDT (-0400)
  Re: hemisphere  
From: Hughes, B 
Date: 18 Jun 2004 05:08:04
Message: <40d2b0f4$1@news.povray.org>
"Alain" <aze### [at] qwertygov> wrote in message
> Did you try both intersection and difference?

No, had not. Have now, here are the results:

I= parse 3 sec.; render 20 sec.
D=parse 4 sec.; render 25 sec.

I had to change the -y plane to +y in order to get the same object, and move
the sphere to first place in the CSG, other than that it's all the same as

Oh yeah, and the box isn't <1.1,0,1.1>,-1.1, like the originally suggested
one, I tightened it up some and went with a <1.01,0,1.01>,-1.01. However,
also checking into using either one of these isn't showing any true change I
can be certain of; only a peculiar instance of a 2 seconds parse when I
moved the negative corner ahead of the positive, which hasn't occured again.
That shows an unworthiness to my tests but the ones done between plane or
box and intersection or difference are still very consistent, even if it is
a mere several seconds of time.

Bob H.

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