POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : hemisphere : Re: hemisphere Server Time
2 Nov 2024 09:19:59 EDT (-0400)
  Re: hemisphere  
From: Alain
Date: 17 Jun 2004 22:03:52
Message: <40d24d88$1@news.povray.org>
Hughes, B. nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 15/06/2004 07:31... :

>I was going to concede about this until I decided to try a test of the two
>Yours parsed and rendered slower, than mine, (in version 3.6) over several
>runs, rather consistently too. I put them into a while loop, making a
>150X150 grid facing the camera. Output image resolution was 1280X1024 and
>default AA used. I kept the number of objects down to prevent going to XP's
>Page File, so it wouldn't interfere.
>plane = Parse: 1 to 2 seconds Render: 19 to 20 seconds, or averaging 21
>seconds total.
>box = Parse: 2 to 4 seconds Render: 23 to 24 seconds, or averaging 27
>seconds total.
>Perhaps imprecise, being so short-lived, but I believe it is showing the
>introduction of the box is actually causing a loss of optimization or
>something. I don't know the truth behind the numbers; it just looks like the
>plane has an advantage, at least in this case.
>Bob H.
OK. Aparently, when removing a plane, an infinite object, the bounding 
is limited to the original object, but when removing a box, a finite 
object, the bounding encompas both objects. Did you try both 
intersection and difference?


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