On Mon, 24 May 2004 17:22:21 EDT, "jsn" <jni### [at] or blm gov> wrote:
>I guess I wasn't very clear earlier about uv mapping with the lathe object.
>I think the documentation is lacking when it comes to examples of how to do
>UV mapping for the lathe and SOR objects.
Docs could be clearer, yes. Too bad I suck at docs or I'de throw
something together for the pov-team to use. Just experiment with
an easily-recognizable image and you'll get the hang of it.
To rotate an image around a lathe, translate the image in the
x direction. The total uv width (and height) of the image is
always 1 (before translation. etc.) so translate in 0.1
increments and re-render to see what is going on. In the uv-
coordinate space, X and Y are the coordinates you are wanting
to play with. translating or scaling Z will have no effect.
>example, Say I wanted to paste my companies logo on a Lathe coffee cup
Ok: if you are using UV_mapping just to put a logo on a coffee
cup then you can use an easier way. If you use a cylindircal
mapping on the image map, life will be easier. The "map_once"
option plus careful scaling and translation will get that logo
where you want it on the cup. The only bad side to useing a
cylindrical map is that the logo will also appear on the inside
of the cup. Careful camera placement is most likely enough
to fix that. :)
to all the companies who wait until a large user base becomes
dependant on their freeware, then shafting said happy campers with
mandatory payment for continued usage. I spit on your grave.
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