I am the coordinator for the open source flight dynamics model, JSBSim
(www.jsbsim.org, used with FlightGear, et.al.). I have been interested for
some time in seeing if I could visualize simulation output using POV-Ray and
create some really nice animations. To do this, there are several models
I'd like to try it with. If anyone knows offhand where I could find any of
these I'd appreciate hearing about it:
P-51D Mustang
Apollo Lunar Module
Cessna C-172
North American Aviation X-15
Saturn V
Saturn 1B
Boeing 737 & 747
It would be best, too, if I could find some with movable surfaces (ailerons,
etc.), but I could probably adapt the model if none had that feature.
I know the POV web site links to some 3D model sites and I will check those,
but that is often a hit and miss affair and I've got limited time. So, maybe
someone here has encountered one in their adventures ... ? :-)
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