POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Need lots of help. : Re: Need lots of help. Server Time
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  Re: Need lots of help.  
From: Jim Charter
Date: 18 Apr 2004 23:17:35
Message: <408344cf$1@news.povray.org>
Bleeding_Soul wrote:
> one aspect. I just want to be able to do alot of things. I mostly do 3D art
> for webpages, bands, some local businesses etc. etc., and I would like to
> be able to do anything they'd ask. For the most part I used (ught oh...)
> Photoshop, and 3D studio, but as good of programs as they are, POV jsut
> seems to be better in that you can do pratically anything you'd like, as
> long as you know what you want to see, and how to achieve that.

So you are capable of doing most things a client may likely ask you to 
do within the capability of an image editing app like PS or a limited 3d 
app like 3d Studio, but you are not yet capable of every possibility 
that might be proposed within POV.  Now I understand.

You seem to be caught between the approach of answering any request that 
is pitched to you versus the approach of developing an original product 
demonstrating how you can use 3d and letting demand come to you.

The first approach reminds me of the job of a speaker I heard at NYCMG 
who does the little 3d animations that are used to accent daily TV 
newscasts.  These usually have to be produced same day, and the subject 
could be anything.  He can't know what it will be until the news of the 
day happens.  Obviously he has a lot of talent and a broad base of 
skills.  But he also works to cut corners and prepare for the challenge 
as much as possible.  He builds a library of models which he can quickly 
adapt to a purpose.  He tries to predict where the news is going.  If 
war with Iraq seems probably he stocks up on models of tanks etc.  He 
constantly surveys available tools and exploits anything that can 
improve his productivity.

You too are going to have to stage your entree into this area in some 
way.  Demonstrate novel solutions that are beyond what PS can do but 
which still exploit relatively limited possibilities within raytracing. 
I still think clients are going to be seeking an integrated style within 
the given realm of possibilities you can provide.

It would be interesting to see the professional web graphics you have 
done so far.  Is it really true that clients can propose truely 
anything, or are the demands in fact encompassed by the effects that 
have been popular on the web so far?

I still think that you must have something in mind initially.  You have 
to start out advertizing something.

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