Greg M. Johnson nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004/04/13 08:40... :
>Yes, medium-torquoise displayed in pov's image window, screen grabbed and
>pasted into my image editor (and Windows file viewer) is the same
>medium-navy blue)
>"Gilles Tran" <gitran_nospam_@wanadoo.fr> wrote in message
>>>I've rendered an image in povray. The blues that show up on my render
>>>povray are tinted towards the turquoise side of blue. When I open the
>>>in two different image editors, they blues are tinted towards navy blue.
>>What happens if you cut and paste a screenshot (trimmed if necessary) of
>>image window in POV-Ray into the editor(s) and then compare the screenshot
>>to the bmp?
>>- Graphic experiments
>>- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
>>- Posters
What is your colour setting: 8, 16 or 32bits?
If at 8 bits (256 colors), then you have paleted colours. In that case,
if there are to many colours to display, you get some approximations. If
you then display both images at the same time, they are forced to use
the same palete.
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