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  JOB OFFER for PovRay people  
From: Sally
Date: 13 Apr 2004 21:41:32
Message: <407c96cc@news.povray.org>
This is partly a "do it for fun" project, and partly a paid project. In
other words, modest pay amount but for a person looking for various
projects with lots of creativity possible, this may be your lucky day.
This is the first of what I think will be several small projects, each
ranging from 30min to 5 hours worth of work depending on the project.

***PROJECT 1***
Software: ONLY PovRay 3.5 compatible code, no additional plugins but use
of modellers like Moray is fine.
Delivery: I need the few lines of code, not the final rendered picture
Payment: I can pay by US$ check, CN$ check, or PayPal
Usage: it will be used in some free software we are working on, but also
on the paid version of that free software.
Payment: as I noted earlier, this project is not JUST a job, I am
looking for someone who would have fun doing this kind of thing anyways
and wouldn't mind a bit of money as an extra bonus, but the money is not
the only reason for doing it. I was thinking about US$60... so if it
takes about 3 hours to do than it ends up about US$20 per hour (more
than I get paid by the way lol)

What: see attached image example, basically they are just interesting
objects that can be used as accent pieces for a GUI (graphical user
interface) done using PovRay. There is a lot of creative potential here,
so long as the objects are not too complicated and not to simple either.
I would need about a dozen various accent pieces each from 3 different
people, and would give some general guidance for what I want for some
but for many it is up to your imagination. Out of the 3 people, I would
choose the best to do more detailed work. I already have the textures I
need, so no texture work is needed at all.

If you are interested, please REPLY BY EMAIL to
buildingtolast ===AT_NOSPAMPLEASE=== yahoo.com

Good luck, Sally!

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