"Florian Brucker" <tor### [at] torfboldcom> wrote in message
> I just wanted to ask if it is possible to change the parse time error
> "Parse Error: Degenerate cylinder, base point = apex point."
> into a simple warning. The same goes for a mesh without triangles. I
> don't see why the render has to be stopped in such a case. IMHO it is
> good to inform the user about it, but rendering could go on, couldn't it?
It's especially odd because other non-viewable objects, such as cylinders
and spheres with radii of 0 or even negative numbers, don't even generate
warnings. Perhaps its something with how the cylinder is processed
internally, that is, what is the function for a cylinder? It might be
something that just chokes when the two points are the same.
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