"Tyler Eaves" <tyl### [at] NOSPAMml1net> wrote in message
news:pan### [at] NOSPAMml1net...
> Here's the setup. Imagine a spline describing a 3D curve with undulations,
> rather like, say, a roller coaster track. (Indeed, that is exactly what I
> intend to do with it.) I want to be able to translate a point relative to
> the origin 'along' the spline, so that basically the Z-axis at the origin
> would point along the tangent of the spine at the point. Now the tricky
> part. I want to *twist* the spline, with a another 1d spline that
> represents the twist in degrees at any given point.
I'm not sure if you'd need anything more than the already included sample in
scenes/animations/splinefollow. It does just what you're asking about,
except maybe the part about using a spline for the twisting action.
Although, it does tilt according to the path curvature. Uses a spline you
create to figure the transformations along it.
Have a look at the transforms.inc, Spline_Trans() macro.
Bob H.
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