POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Tubular lighting : Re: Tubular lighting Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:27:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: Tubular lighting  
From: Severi Salminen
Date: 15 Mar 2004 05:31:07
Message: <405585eb@news.povray.org>
Buddy13 wrote:

> How do I make tubular lighting? Specifically something like flourescent 
> lighting.
> The help says I can use an area light to do it, but it doesn't seem to 
> be working.

Can you tell a bit more: how is it not working? The docs say:

"To create a linear light just create an area light with one of the 
array dimensions set to 1.".

That should do the trick.

You also have to allways remember that light sources are only light 
sources, they are not visible objects. The docs say:

"The light_source is not really an object. Light sources have no visible 
shape of their own. They are just points or areas which emit light."

So if you want to actually _see_ the light source, you can use the 
looks_like statement with high ambient value or with double_illuminate 
keyword. Or as Felbrigg said: forget the light_source and just use 
radiosity and a high ambient object. The rendering is probably slower 
with that method and gives worse results unless high quality settings 
are used with radiosity.

Severi S.

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