crz wrote:
> hi, want to use fiocal blur in an animation. But as dfar as i can tell I
> tell the focal_point, by giving hard coordinates.
> Is it possible to use references, so say if I have like 1000 *.pov files
> (each one animation frame) and 1 external inc-file and then say that
> focal_point is object: sphere01
> (thus focal_point < sphere01> instead of focal_point < 1, 1, -6>
You can do it like this, for example:
// "Subject" is the point, where the focus will be sharp
// and where the sphere is positioned. You can give it any
// name and move it during animation the way you want.
#declare Subject = <1,1,-6>;
focal_point Subject
sphere{Subject,10 pigment{...}}
So whenever the sphere moves (whenever you change the vector Subject)
both the sphere and the focal_point move. You can also add "look_at
Subject" to the camera definition and the camera will allways look at
the sphere. Basically you create a variable that you use to control
various things that are related.
BTW, you don't need to have 1000 .pov files to create a 1000 frame
animation. You should read the docs and the animation tutorials
carefully - or ask here if there is something you don't understand.
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