POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Dropping the horizon : Re: Dropping the horizon Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:21:04 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Dropping the horizon  
From: Hughes, B 
Date: 8 Mar 2004 17:29:33
Message: <404cf3cd$1@news.povray.org>
"Michael Robison" <zsp### [at] gtenet> wrote in message
> I am still cursed by the following problem.  I've got a nasty blue line at
> horizon that I absolutely cannot get rid of.   I've tried changing
> the -y, -500
> to -5000 and even -50000 and I've changed the scale orders of magnitude
> either way to no avail.  Any other suggestions would be appreciated.  Do
> I simply need to put vegetation out there to hide the horizon line?

You could try one of two things: either add a 'triangle_wave' keyword to the
gradient y pattern in your sky_sphere or use 'function {abs(y)}' as the
pattern for it instead.

Of course, all these will do is blend the color_map into white at the
horizon line instead of shifting from blue to white. I, too, wasn't sure of
what the end result is that your after; you'll certainly need more added to
the scene if it is to be a view of ground or water, as well as the sky.
That's when the placement of the horizon is really going to matter most,
e.g. for water/ground objects. So I'm guessing you're trying to at least
start without such a sharp delineation, therefore the predicament you had.

Sorry, I probably got wordier than need be here.  :-)


I see Steve is wondering about the -y,-500... my guesss is that it was to
keep the area below the cloud plane hollow, without actually specifying it
to be, for inclusion of media at some point in time. Perhaps not though...

Bob H.

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