Among other things, Greg M. Johnson wrote:
> Could someone pseudo-code it out for me.
> First, I'll share my non-energy conservation system that I used in my
> flocking algorithm ( http://www.geocities.com/pterandon/boids.html ), and
> in planetary orbiting simulations.
> dt=1 (we're stepping along povray frame by povray frame)
> p= vector for current position
> v=velocity
> a=acceleration, or sum of forces at current position (based on gravity of
> sun, "repulsion" of neighbors in flock),
> ----- for each frame----
> p2=p1+v1 *dt
> a2= constant * (sum of new forces based on new location).
> v2=v1+a2
> --- repeat ad nauseum ---
Hmm... I thought I had replied to this... Was my post lost somehow? I can't
find it anywhere :/
Well, I'll write it again.
First, shouldn't it be:
v2=v1+a2*dt ?
Second, as I mentioned, there are several algorithms used for integrating
the equations of motion (that's what you're trying). An algorithm that
minimizes numerical errors is the so-called "velocity Verlet" [Swope et al.
J. Chem. Phys. 76 (1982) 637]:
Calculate all forces on all particles, for each particle:
a1 = (total force at p1)/(real or fictitious mass)
1 Calculate new positions for all particles:
p2 = p1 + v1*dt + 1/2*a1*(dt^2)
Calculate intermediate velocities (at t1+1/2*dt) for all particles:
v' = v1 + 1/2*a1*dt
Calculate all forces on all particles at their new position:
a2 = (total force at p2)/(real or fictitious mass)
Caluclate the new velocities for all particles:
v2 = v' + 1/2*a2*dt
Goto 1 (p2 -> p1, v2 -> v1, a2 -> a1)
This should conserve energy. What is not conserved is kinetic energy
(temperature). If a simulation at constant temperature is desired, there
are some "tricks" available, the simplest one is just re-scaling all
velocities so that kinetic energy remains constant. After calculating the
new velocities, do:
f = sqrt(2*Ek/sum(mass*v2^2))
v2(scaled) = f*v2
where Ek is the desired constant kinetic energy.
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9/4-z*4}light_source{-9*z,1}union{box{.9-z.1+x clipped_by{plane{2+y-4*x
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