Could someone pseudo-code it out for me.
First, I'll share my non-energy conservation system that I used in my
flocking algorithm ( http://www.geocities.com/pterandon/boids.html ), and in
planetary orbiting simulations.
dt=1 (we're stepping along povray frame by povray frame)
p= vector for current position
a=acceleration, or sum of forces at current position (based on gravity of
sun, "repulsion" of neighbors in flock),
----- for each frame----
p2=p1+v1 *dt
a2= constant * (sum of new forces based on new location).
--- repeat ad nauseum ---
As I've shown before, (
it's impossible to have a "stable orbit" with this because this model
doesn't conserve energy. I could however probably do a 1-D case for energy
conservation quite easily.
So, in povray, how would one pseudo-code out a model that conserves energy
and accounts for multiple fields (gravity of sun *plus* other planets,
repulsion of *all* neighbors in a flock).
----- for each frame----
p2=p1+v1 *dt
a2= constant * (sum of new forces based on new location).
... I'm stumped.
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