I'm stuck: my new I/O Particle-System uses adaptive iteration to calculate
the path for a particle, along with object interaction. Now, when Particles
would normally roll on a surface, they oscillate heavily in my System:
Gravity pulls them down, object interaction puts them back on surface, only
the speed perpendicular to the surface-normal is retained. Thus, a particle
won't slow down when rolling along plane, but it will "hop" on the surface
hundreds of times (two of my particles reached more than 2500 iterations
that way...).
To avoid this, I want a particle to switch to "Rolling" when enough
iterations have been done, and thus the particle will just get moved along
the surface without "real" interaction. Now, if I'd just be dealing with a
plane, that'd be no problem, but since particles may also roll uphill, I
want to calculate how much velocity they'd lose when doing that. I know the
angle of the surface, the initial velocity and the distance the particle
will travel, now what's the formulae to calculate how much velocity is lost?
For simplicities sake, use a ball with 10km/h that starts rolling a 45
degree upward slope for 10 meters. Gravity is 10m/s. What'd be the velocity
after 5 meters? What's the formula for that?
Links, direct answers, anything will do. I've tried googling, but it seems
I'm using the wrong keywords...
"Tim Nikias v2.0"
Homepage: <http://www.nolights.de>
Email: tim.nikias (@) nolights.de
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