"Carl Hoff" <hof### [at] wtnet> wrote in message news:4031a496@news.povray.org...
> > For question 2... use a clocked linear 'spline' path for the bike,
> > and perhaps apply the trail line in the same way (with a object
> > for the line). I'm not sure about the prism idea. It would certainly
> > need to be done in such a way which doesn't have the texture
> > intersecting with other points.
> Why? I just ran this little test...
> #include "colors.inc"
> camera {location <30,-30,-10> look_at <2,2,2> angle 20}
> light_source {<500, -700, -150> 0.7*White}
> light_source {<150, 1000, -800> 0.6*White}
> light_source {<1000, 100, -200> 0.7*White}
> light_source {<-500, 1000, -1500> 0.5*White}
> box {<1,1,1>, <5,5,5> pigment {Red}}
> sphere {<0,0,0>, 3 pigment {color transmit 1.0}}
> and the sphere doesn't seem to cause any negative effects on
> the cube. So I was thinking as long as the trail had this texture
> ahead of the bike it'd be ok. It would just become visible after
> the bike at passed over it.
I'm not exactly sure what you are saying with that bit of script but what I
was trying to warn of has to do with how a texture pattern will interact
with corners/turns as it moves along the path line.
It might be easier to show an example of what I'm thinking about rather than
just describe it, so I've posted a sample script at povray.text.scene-files
which will animate.
I think the idea must be to prevent interaction with a perpendicular section
of the path. Probably solvable, but I haven't gone into that.
Bob H.
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