"lars petter" <lar### [at] higno> wrote in message
> thanks, we've gotten some basic knowledge on the isosurfaces now.
> the problem is, they're only surfaces, not solid figures with a certain
> width, so we're wondering if there is a way to, e.g., extrude a parabola 2
> units, making it solid? that would've been smooth, he he. or do you see some
> other way?
Here's an iso-surface w/ photons etc. for a shape based on sin(x).
I've given it some thickness by differencing the function from an off-set copy
of itself (otherwise the shape would be infinitely thick). I've slightly
coloured the glass to make the shape show up a little more clearly than would
otherwise be the case. Adjust spacing to meet your requirements/patience...
#version 3.5;
#include "colors.inc"
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
max_trace_level 10
photons {
spacing 0.005 //smaller = better but slower
camera {
location <0,5,-5>
look_at 0
light_source {
<0, 0, 0> // light's position (translated below)
color rgb <1, 1, 1> // light's color
translate <-30, 30, -30>
#declare fn_X = function(x,y,z){y-sin(x)}
isosurface {
function { max(fn_X(x, y, z), - fn_X(x,y+0.5,z)) }
contained_by { box {<-2,-10,-1>,<2,10,1> } }
accuracy 0.001
max_gradient 4
interior{ior 1.5}
target 1
refraction on
reflection on
collect off
plane{y,-2 pigment{White}}
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