POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : shape generation (functions and more) : Re: shape generation (functions and more) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:25:06 EST (-0500)
  Re: shape generation (functions and more)  
From: Hughes, B 
Date: 16 Feb 2004 20:21:16
Message: <40316c8c$1@news.povray.org>
"lars petter" <lar### [at] higno> wrote in message
> I'll try again.. (sorry for any inclarities, i dont exactly know what i'm
> asking for :) )

I've seen your original message post at the programming group.

> The view in the tool will be in the x,y plane, viewed from top.. in the
> "drawing board" they will place differented shapes suchs as bezier curves,
> parabolas, circles (closed, open), ellipes (closed, open), and so on.
> shapes will have user-specific properties regarding to absorption,
> diffusion, width, and color. After placing a light source, we want to
> the scene in povray. The main point is to illustrate the caustics
> by the system of mirrors in the scene..

So you'll be using photons, no doubt.

> Anyway, we've looked at the documentation, and tested a little "coding",
> concluded with that we probably should use the prism object to generate
> pov-ray figures, at least the bezier shapes.

You could be right about that. Not real sure myself.

> We've also looked at the various internal/math/whatever-functions in the
> .inc files, but we really cant understand how we actually use these to get
> shapes into the scene.. i'm looking at:
> Quartic_Paraboloid
> Quartic parabola - a 4th degree polynomial (has two bumps at the bottom)
> that has been swept around the z axis. The equation is:
> 0.1 x^4 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2 + 0.9 = 0
> how do i use this?
> all in all, we do have the mathematical parametres from the 2d-plane, and
> what we're looking for is some easy way to apply these to generate the 3d
> figures..

Isosurfaces seem the most plausible thing to me, since you'll be working
with equations anyhow. I've taken the example for f_quartic_paraboloid()
from the scenes\incdemo\i_internal.inc to make:

camera {
  location  <0.0, 0.0, -5.0>
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0 rgb <0.9,0.9,0.9>]
      [1 rgb <0.3,0.3,0.3>]

light_source {
 color rgb <1, 1, 1>
  rotate <15, 15, 0>

// ----------------------------------------

#include "functions.inc"

#declare IsoQP=
isosurface {
 function  {
  // f_quartic_paraboloid(x,y,z, -0.01)
 // contained_by {box { <-1.45, -0.1, -1.45>, <1.45, 2.5, 1.45> }}
 max_gradient 2.5

difference {
object { // outside
    material {
     texture {
      pigment {color rgb 0.75}
      finish {reflection {0.3,0.9}}
object { // inside
    scale <0.95,0.95,0.95>
    translate y/6
    material {
     texture {
      pigment {color rgb 0.25}
      finish {reflection {0.1,0.3}}
// rotate -90*x // turn to look into parabloid

Maybe you can figure something out from this and by reading up on isosurface
functions. I'm not very good at the math, and you should be warned that the
carat (^) sign is not used in POV-Ray. If you'll be needing semitransparent
materials, the above texturing won't suffice to blend from one side to the

Bob H.

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