POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : shape generation (functions and more) : shape generation (functions and more) Server Time
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  shape generation (functions and more)  
From: lars petter
Date: 16 Feb 2004 10:55:40
Message: <4030e7fc$1@news.povray.org>
I'll try again.. (sorry for any inclarities, i dont exactly know what i'm
asking for :) )

We're doing a project at school, where we are making a modelling tool for
some arty guys.

The view in the tool will be i the x,y plane, viewed from top.. in the
"drawing board" they will place differented shapes suchs as bezier curves,
parabolas, circles (closed, open), ellipes (closed, open), and so on. these
shapes will have user-specific properties regarding to absorption,
diffusion, width, and color. After placing a light source, we want to render
the scene in povray. The main point is to illustrate the caustics generated
by the system of mirrors in the scene..

Anyway, we've looked at the documentation, and tested a little "coding", and
concluded with that we probably should use the prism object to generate the
pov-ray figures, atleast the bezier shapes.

We've also looked at the various internal/math/whatever-functions in the
.inc files, but we really cant understand how we actually use these to get
shapes into the scene.. i'm looking at:
Quartic parabola - a 4th degree polynomial (has two bumps at the bottom)
that has been swept around the z axis. The equation is:
0.1 x^4 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2 + 0.9 = 0

how do i use this?

all in all, we do have the mathematical parametres from the 2d-plane, and
what we're looking for is some easy way to apply these to generate the 3d

thanks in advance,

lars petter

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