Rafal 'Raf256' Maj wrote:
> bjr### [at] ritedu news:402c7e94$1@news.povray.org
>>Hello, had anybody created any include files that creates a visual
>>representation of a tree data structure. It would be useful for showing
> Maybe just use simple spheres and cones to reprezent graph plust text,
> boxes, imagemaps :) ?
Yes, but I tried to start doing that by making a macro that reads from a
file. The file is a list of nodes with things like the node names and
the names of the ancestor nodes. I would need to figure out a way to
give an initial position to the root node and then have the macro figure
out the locations of the rest of the nodes. I already set up a root
node with some cylinders sticking out of it with the number of
descendants per node being specified in the file. But I would like to
be able to add nodes without having to increment such numbers. Time to
go back to the drawing table.
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