POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : taking matrices to next frame : taking matrices to next frame Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:25:51 EDT (-0400)
  taking matrices to next frame  
Date: 27 Jan 2004 04:38:58
Message: <401631b2$1@news.povray.org>

I am trying to simulate the temperature flows in a plane, but to accieve
this i need to store all the local temperatures of the points in a array,
and use those values in the next frame to calculate the next step. Now is my
question: how do i store a matrix, to use it in the next frame?

I am familiar with writing and reading single values into .txt files with
the #write and #read statements. But it seams to be impossible to write a
full matrix (100x100) to a single file.

So if anyone can help me, it will be appreciated.


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