> Like it is now it gives the impression that if you want to do
> something like that you'll need to copy-paste that #declare as
> many times as there are iterations, editing each one of them.
> The POV-Ray SDL is more powerful than this.
> You can make an array (as large as the number of iterations),
> each item containing one iteration, and you can fill this array
> in a loop, each item using the previous one. Thus if you want
> to change the number of iterations it's enough to simply change
> one number (eg. a "#declare Iterations=6;" at the beginning).
And I think Pov-Ray is even more powerful as even arrays are not needed
in this. The easiest way to do it is probably (I changed a few translates):
#declare Initial = union {
triangle { < 1, 1, 1>, <-1, 1, -1>, < 1, -1, -1> }
triangle { <-1, 1, -1>, <-1, -1, 1>, < 1, -1, -1> }
triangle { < 1, 1, 1>, < 1, -1, -1>, <-1, -1, 1> }
triangle { < 1, 1, 1>, <-1, -1, 1>, <-1, 1, -1> }
#declare iter=5;
#declare Old=Initial;
#declare New =
object { Old }
object { Old translate <-2, 0, 2> }
object { Old translate <-2, 2, 0> }
object { Old translate < 0, 2, 2> }
translate <1,-1,-1>
scale 0.5
#declare Old=New;
#declare iter=iter-1;
pigment {rgb 1}
Severi S.
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