POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : coincident isosurfaces and noise : coincident isosurfaces and noise Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:26:49 EDT (-0400)
  coincident isosurfaces and noise  
From: Bill Hails
Date: 17 Jan 2004 19:45:45
Message: <4009d739@news.povray.org>
I'm probably doing something wrong, but ...

I would assume that if I have two isosurfaces
that are coincident along a line, say the top
of a cylinder oriented along x touching a y plane,
and if I add or subtract the same noise function
to both isosurfaces, say f_noise3d, then the
resulting surfaces would still be coincident
(along a now distorted line).

That's not what I seem to be getting, I have to
multiply the noise by a constant for one of the
surfaces to get it to coincide with the other,
and I have to guess the constant :-(

My code is ugly and a lot more complicated than
I've just described, so it's more than likely
that I've made a mistake somewhere, but I've been
staring at it for over an hour and can't see it.

Any help gratefully recieved. I can post the code
if my question isn't clear.

Bill Hails

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