Tobias Mueller <pov### [at] emailtwaminfo> wrote:
> I've got simple cylinder like and want to wrap a text around it. Is there
> any modifier to do this with the text object?
An alternative solution to the one presented which can be done when you
want the text imprinted on the surface of the cylinder (instead of using
3D letters as the text object generates) is to make an object pattern
with the text object and apply a cylindrical warp to it. This way you
can use it as a pattern for a pigment of the cylinder.
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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