"GreyBeard" <r.b### [at] sbcglobalnet> wrote in message news:4000a697
> no problem getting the figures into POV-Ray, the problem is getting them
> posed so they fit where you want them to. IF you want them sitting on a
> chair generated in POV, poser won't import the chair so you can see it to
> make the figure fit.
Perhaps a good way to do this would be to create a patch in SPatch/HamaPatch
that generally conforms to the same dimensions of the chair (but with
considerably less detail). When Poser exports the scene to Wavefront .obj,
and then PoseRay exports the .obj to .pov, the chair will be isolated in
your .pov file. Then, just replace the chair patch with your real chair (in
what ever method you used to make it -- very likely not a patch, of course,
if it is made in PovRay alone).
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