Not sure if this is a bug in pov or the docs (or possibly my brain).
The docs ( say:
"For example...
color My_Color red 0.5
this substitutes whatever was the red component of My_Color with a red component
of 0.5 however...
color My_Color + red 0.5
adds 0.5 to the red component of My_Color"
But the following scene-file seems to contradict this:
#version 3.5;
#declare ColTest1 = rgb<1,1,0>;
#declare ColTest2 = rgb<0,1,1>;
#declare Foo = ColTest1 + ColTest2;
//not legal
#declare Foo = ColTest1 ColTest2;
#declare Foo = ColTest1 + blue 1;
#declare Foo = ColTest1 blue 1;
Any comment as to whether I should post to bugs, docs, or what?
#macro A(V,B,C,R)#while(B-256)#if(V-128/B>=0)sphere{0,.5translate<C-4R-1,9>
pigment{rgb<1-C/8R/2C/8>}}#local V=V-128/B;#end#local B=B*2;#local C=C+1;#
end#end A(234,1,0,2)A(85,1,0,1)A(81,1,0,0)light_source{-5 1}//Tom Melly
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