> Gilles you get involved in some pretty interesting stuff. Beautiful
> renders!
Oh the renders could have been much better. There are lots of constraints in
a project like this because it is a real place. The lighting was
particularly tricky, as I wanted it to be honest (unlike in other
architectural renders). So I spent a lot of time tweaking things that I
wouldn't care about in a personal project. The butterflies, for instance,
were Brian McConnell's idea to give a more surreal twist to the presentation
board. There were many of them, until we realised that it looked like they
were attacking the spire, which wasn't exactly a good idea given the
context... So only a few monarchs were left in the image eventually. This
sort of experience is always interesting, though too much time-consuming.
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
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